Vax Rapide Spring Clean review

As a guy, I sometimes really hate cleaning. My place gets a mess, and I always try to find the quick way out of cleaning.

So in 2011, I went to Godfereys and forked out the cash and got myself a Vax Rapide Spring Clean.

At first I was really disappointed paying $200 for this as it had no moving parts to agitate the carpet, but a static brush that sat on the carpet and brushed over it. I did see another cleaner, but it was another $100 more and I thought I'd just get the second cheapest there. Yes, there was another for around $120ish but it looked worse.

The amount of dirt it pulls up, the first time was quite alot, it was dark water. It doesn't get colse to the wall leaving around a 30cm gap, of which I had to go around and clean manually. the only way I'd get close to the wall is by cleaning at right angles to the wall, not so good for a hallway. I like the winder for the cord, really makes a difference being able to hang it up on the neck without holding.

Using this every thee months or so really makes a difference, but I have issues to cleaning the cleaner. The buildup comes from in the front head, to which two screws are secure it. Every time I use it, it gets clogged where the delightful arrows are on the front. And leaving it dry would be worse. I have to use a pipe cleaner to clean it out. Also, it leaves little tufts of carpet that have been combined with the cleaning agent and these also clog out the wheels, it makes me feel like I'm four wheel driving somehow. I have to then go over it with the vacuum again to pick these up. It's walkable after about 3hours, and it does feel cleaner underfoot.

This is my first one, I'm not sure how good it can get without hiring a commercial carpet cleaning system or forking out $2-300 every time I want it clean. This would be good if I clean every four months, and every two years, get a professional to come it. Oh, speaking of professional, the last guy I hired said I couldn't get out a blue stain from a party streamer, well, I did with this oddly enough.


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