
Sunday, October 6, 2013

I'm certain that anything we think of has been thought of, just not exploited.

I'm certain that anything we think of has been thought of, just not exploited.

I quite like this idea, how everybody more or less has an equal playing field and that it's only the few who exploit the position they are in. It leads towards innovation, but it doesn't necessarily lead to success within the venture. Look at the motor industry. It is placed in a position that without subsidies it would really be nonviable, but, we live in a society where the convenience not the necessity of this transport mode is relied upon to deliver even the basic necessities of living. You could say that you need it, it provides the things we need. But, in realization the things we need are quite basic and don't need complex systems for it to be provided. The idea of eating food is a basic, so why not develop systems that are as simple as this.

So in this thinking, we can then develop products that follow in this simple idea. A vehicle is made up of several systems, some actually (like the cooling) are designed to control the wasted energy produced by reducing the damaging effects of the energy created. Why no develop systems that create as much energy as they need. Why generate the excessive energy to propel people forward.

So, in this line of thought, then can we develop cooling systems to be smaller and weigh less and there fore use less energy and resources but also save money. So instead of one engine driving a car from a central location, why not outsource the engine to the driving parts? in this way the car itself can have four computer controlled engines, driven at the wheel.

Be smaller but also be more efficient and even possibly weigh less. As they would be computer controlled, they would be able to develop systems that also control traction per wheel, but also understand the amount of power needed to keep the car in motion.

Of course it can be also said that this is almost like replicating muscles that make you walk as well. See how developing a complex system is really making our lives more complex than they need to be.

So it's a matter of exploiting what we have already have at hand,  if we don't where just developing complex systems that only service themselves and their own unsustainable practices.

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