
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mac fixit Australia con job

I, like most other people have a facebook account and like sometimes helping out a business why a like once and a while. But recently Mac Fixit Australia has been giving away prizes on their facebook page, which I guess generates people to follow the page and their business.

They recently moved from a weekly thing, to a fortnightly event, basically because it's probably costing them.

Well, I guess yoo get nothing when you decide to put your two cents in by answering a question about how much memory a new Apple iPhone 5c has, which in case your wondering is 1024mb of memory of ram.

Theey stated the "first two correct answers" will win a battery charger (worth a measly $19.00).

So, what where the answers provided that where the answer, if your quick, it wasn't 1024mb, it was 1G.

Obviously the answer is wrong. so this is why I'm writing this :)  If you want to say "correct answers" obviously a correct answer is well, correct. It's not a near enough is good enough approach to factual, correct answer. Otherwise I may as well say 1G.

In their defense, they said that the answer for it was on their website, had a look, didn't find it.


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